Someone played with me 2 years. In those years I really loved somebody else and then a boy comes from other side of the world and said to me: I really love you, you are my first love and I won't or I can't love nobody except you.
I refused to accept him but he was looking after me all the time and wanted me all of his instincts. He told lie... I promise.
Last wednesday he told me that all of his feeling was just because he is alone and don't have any money, and he said all of those bullshits because of his lust.
at the end he told me all of boys are base-spirited and traitor so don't trust on none of them in any time.
I feel I'm a sex product for all men, and god don't love me because god made me a girl...!
I can't trust on no one, even boy or girl. You can't imagine how terrible I feel... Let me give you an example, I afraid of being happy and jump in the air, because I'm not sure about if someone pull ground behind of my legs and suddenly I fall...!
I want to choose animals as my friends, because they are more loyal and kind than humans, aren't they!
Hey god, if you don't forget me, please look at me!
Keep me in your prays please.

Event of the Days